about me
With over 10 years of experience in youth development, I found a passion for teen girls and their personal growth. I spent many years investing in my personal development which lead to my own journey of self-discovery. I became a huge self-help guru as I navigated healing, self-esteem, nutrition, and other similar aspects. I’ve gained special tools and practices that I wish I had sooner to help me maneuver through adulthood. As God lead me through seasons of mental, physical, and spiritual growth, my desire to help teen girls have these same necessary tools to navigate early adulthood grew.
I formulated the Noble Looks Debutante program for girls to enter into womanhood embracing who they are in Gods image. A woman’s true worth isn’t solely defined by her accomplishments or qualifications listed on paper. Instead, her character- her values, integrity, and the way she carries herself- is more significant. This inner quality is what makes a lasting impression on others and speaks volumes about who she truly is, often before her credentials or achievements are even considered.
The Noble Looks Debutante program helps teen girls discover and embrace their true selves in the eyes of God, while also giving them practical life skills and overarching confidence in an ever changing society.